There is no doubt your business has great things to offer, and you are probably focused on operations, manufacturing or development right now. When it is time to sell, you will include a link on your website and post a couple of photos on Facebook. After all, anyone can post on social media, right?
Well, if you want to get real results and ensure long-term success for your business, there are many things you should do before posting that photo:
“Start from your website, then focus on other digital channels where your business will get the best results, based on your target audience and content strategy.”
- Listen to your customers
Who are they and what do they expect from you? What are their interests and how can you reach them?
2. Craft your brand
Branding is not just about the logo. Everything in the communication must follow your brand values and be easy to identify when your business shows up on your customers’ timelines.
3. Have a content strategy
Based on your business objectives, what are the main messages you want to communicate? And how are you going to do this for each stage of the consumer cycle?
4. Choose the right channels
Start from your website, then focus on other digital channels where your business will get the best results, based on your target audience and content strategy. Should you invest in paid advertising?
5. Use automated tools and track the results
Email marketing, social media management, Google Analytics. Everything must work for you, and once you understand what is and what is not working you will be able to refine the plan.
Ok, that is a lot of work and you don’t have time for it, or you probably want to focus on your core business. So the best you can do is to hire a professional marketer to help you with the initial strategy and set up. Once everything is up and running, it will be easier for someone on your team to keep it going. Investing on the planning phase will save you time and money in the long run.